As part of an ongoing effort to strengthen Pennsylvania’s child abuse protection laws, Governor Corbett signed a 10 bill package making a number of additional changes to child abuse laws. These measures broaden the range of persons who can be found guilty of child abuse and significantly lower the threshold for the degree of injury, pain or impairment needed to trigger a report of suspected child abuse. The changes have significance for School Districts as mandated reporters now include “any person who has direct or regular contact with a child through any program, activity or service sponsored by a school, for profit or religious or other not-for-profit organization such as camps; athletic programs; enrichment programs; troops, clubs or similar organizations. School employees and independent contractors are now included as “persons responsible for a child’s welfare.” The definition of child care service is now broadened to include day care services or programs offered by a school. These new child abuse reporting requirements go into effect December 31, 2014 in order to give mandated reporters and others assigned new responsibilities, the opportunity to be trained.
Andrews & Price attorneys are well -suited to provide this training making sure to tailor the content and instruction to your school district needs. Please contact Andrews & Price, LLC to discuss how we may be of assistance in updating your staff on this important step in safeguarding Pennsylvania’s children.
For additional information on the Child Abuse Protection Updates please refer to the Action Paper below.