On The Alert
Governor Rendell signed into law Act 9 of 2014, which amends the Wiretap and Electronic Surveillance Act to permit audio recording on school buses and school vehicles. Audiotaping on school buses and school vehicles may be used for disciplinary or security purposes if: 1). The School Board has adopted a policy permitting the interception of audio recordings; 2). The School Board annually notifies students and parents of the use of audio surveillance; and 3). The School Board posts clearly visible notice on each school bus and school vehicle that students may be audiotaped.
It is important to note that the use of audiotaping is prohibited for school vehicles used for purposes that are not school related.
Andrews & Price attorneys are well -suited to develop policies and regulations regarding the use of audio recordings on school buses and school vehicles. Please contact Andrews & Price, LLC to discuss how we may be of assistance in updating your current transportation policies.